A shot of some seedlings in pots taken from above

A garden of one’s own

I love my parents’ garden. Until recently, it was always ‘our garden’: the garden I first met aged two, and the one I still pine for when things get tough. There’s nothing like going Home (with a capital H - where the roots are) and sitting in the lush green space my mum and dad … Continue reading A garden of one’s own

Me, Myself and Instagram

I've become somewhat of a social media addict. I'm not sure if it's been exacerbated by the last year of lockdowns and deprivation of human contact, but that there is my confession. So when my lovely friend Bronwen asked me to write an essay on the theme of Vanity for her passion project,  Artemis, I knew I had to address this issue, and perhaps even tackle it head on.

A simple birthday cake with five candles in the dark, on a table.

Turning thirty in a pandemic: why I’m grateful for my isolation celebration

Not only was it the start of a new decade, but I would be entering it in entirely alien circumstances. While a year ago I would have imagined a good old family ‘do’, a large gathering, a night out with friends, a fancy meal, or a city break abroad, I would instead be spending the day mostly on my own, in the confines of my one-bedroom flat, as many others will have experienced this year.

A field of wheat ready for harvest with a cloudy sky overhead

Monthly Muses | September 2020

While life continues to be unpredictable, you can at least count on me to share my favourite things each month - whether you like it or not! Here are some of my favourite things from September. I hope you find something that tickles your fancy.